
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Family of Five

Our little man is here! He was born April 13th 2011 at 9:47 in the morning.
8lb 9 oz
20 in
dark blond hair
So far he is a happy, laid back baby. The only complaint I have is he is trying to
live the rockstar life, sleeps all day and up all night!

About to head to the hospital. I have never gone into labor on my own so we
have always been very prepared,
no movie scene "grab the bag it is time!" moments.

Here he is!

First family photo, Wilder is in there somewhere.

Amelia and Genevieve hold him for the first time. So far they can't get enough of him.

Father and son

Wilder's Baby Shower

Thank you to all my sweet friends for helping me get ready to welcome Wilder.

Olya's beautiful home, she went over the top, as usual. She hand knit the sweater.

His prayers. I don't know who started this tradition but I love it. It is so special to have friends pray over your baby. When Jordan read "make a joyful noise..." he started kicking, maybe he will be a rockstar.

My hostesses

All these babies are now here!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How I woke up Wednesday

Me sleeping. Amelia standing by the side of my bed. "Mommy, this is serious! Sister poo poohed in my princess chair!" What? Pictures kindly not included.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So right now I am loving Chic-fil-a. The girls and I eat there at least once a week if not more. It is so great to have somewhere to take them that they want to eat, I feel is pretty healthy, and they have a playground. Really what more could you want. Well yesterday we went to Chic-fil-a after MOPS. That has pretty much become our routine. The one on Troup Hwy, the one with the really tall indoor playground. Well Genevieve learned to climb up the playground for the first time yesterday and I was excited for her. Until now she has pretty much spent her play time there trying on other kids shoes, gross, and opening and shutting the door, how fun can that be. I was excited until I realized that she had immediately climbed to the very top and seemed unable to get down. I sent Amelia up to try to coax her down, no luck. I waited a while thinking maybe she would come down on her own, she wasn't crying so I wasn't too worried. It soon became apparent she was not going to budge on her own and Amelia was not able to get her. Hmmmmm, so where is the parent staircase on the side that will allow me to walk up and collect my child, oh wait there isn't one! Yes, me and my pregnant belly had to crawl up to the top of the playground. Each round of stairs was thinner than the one before. I was praying that I wouldn't get stuck and that my elastic waist pants wouldn't slide off! I reached the top and slid my hand over the edge of the stair she was on to grab her. She was lying flat on the stair clinging to the sides for dear life, poor baby. She was so excited to take my hand and kept saying "go" the whole way down. Climbing up that playground in front of a room full of people was an uncomfortable and embarrassing adventure but I am thankful that I got to do it. I feel so unbelievably blessed to be that little girls Mommy. There is nothing like the feeling of her warm chubby hand in mine as she trusted me to lead her to safety.